Bangladesh Bidi Taxation with the COVID-19 Situation
- For four years there has been no increase in the amount of taxation on bidi in Bangladesh. Despite th... [read more]
“Voice of Vapers Bangladesh” illegally uses WHO logo
“Voice of Vapers Bangladesh” which is a pro-vaping organization seems to have been posting misleading posts on their Facebook page under the name and logo of World Health Organization (WHO). The particular post that is posted on 5th of October 2020 carries the quote ‘Vaping is free from the harmful effects of tobacco’ giving the false impression as if it’s a statement by the WHO itself. But ‘WHO Report on Global Tobacco Epidemic 2019’ clearly identifies e-cigarettes as a harmful product for health. Moreover, vaping increases infections and diseases of the lungs and weakens the body’s immune system, which makes the consumers extremely susceptible to COVID19 infection as well. Social media posts like the above fall under illegal promotional activity and spreading such false news is hugely misleading to the public and should be stopped immediately.
(Published with the courtesy of Knowledge for Progress (PROGGA) Bangladesh)